Sunday, September 29, 2013

93 - Buy groceries for an elderly person in line

If you haven't already, read my 101 in 1001 post. 

After giving it some thought, last week I decided that I would spend $50 each week on groceries. Doing so would keep me on a budget, and decrease the amount of food that I throw out from buying too much at one time and having it spoil.

So I went to the grocery store after church this evening and was having a difficult time sticking to my budget. I told myself, "shop as though you only have a $50 bill and cannot go over." Just then, I saw a sale sign. 3 for $10 on the Ice Mountain water that I drink. I hadn't planned on buying water but I was running low on bottles at home. So I convinced myself that $10 over my budget was acceptable seeing as though I wouldn't have to buy water for a couple more weeks. 

By the time I finish shopping, I calculate that I've spent $57 before taxes. Clearly over my budget. At this point I'm thinking $50 a week just won't be enough. I get to the checkout counter and the cashier is ringing me up. Before I know it, he has charged me for my food AND the food of the person behind me, but I insist on paying for it. Guess how much it all cost? $63 and some change. I had planned on spending $50, plus $10 for water, and only spent $3 more than that and was still able to pay for the food of a stranger. She was highly appreciative and very grateful. 

It's nice to be nice. 

101 in 1001 (Take Two)

In July of 2008, I took on a challenge to complete 101 tasks in 1001 days and I failed miserably. But I am encouraged to take another stab at it for a number of reasons. First of all because goals unwritten are merely wishes. Secondly, if successful, this will guarantee 101 new blog posts. I'm excited. So! Here we go.

The Mission: Complete 101 pre-set tasks in 1001 days.

The Criteria: The task must be specific (i.e. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable, or clearly defined; tasks must also be realistic and stretching (i.e. much represent some king of effort)

Start: 09/25/13
End: (06/22/16)

  1. Create a list of 101 wannados (9/29/13)
  2. Blog about each wannado
  3. Purge my storage before I move again
  4. Clean my junk drawer
  5. Buy a vacuum cleaner
  6. Create a monthly meal plan 
  7. Cook meals according to the meal plan
  8. Go 14 days without leaving a dish in the sink over night
  9. Scan all the pictures in storage (easily over 1,000 pics)
  10. Organize all photos in iPhoto
  11. Back up photos on external harddrive
  12. Don't use the snooze button for a week
  13. Clean out my email
  14. Create a database for my business
  15. Develop my personal website
  16. Develop my business website
  17. Work out every day for a week 
  18. Run a mile in 10 min
  19. Buy running shoes (10/11/13)
  20. Register for a 5K
  21. Complete a 5K for cancer
  22. Complete a color run
  23. Lose 7lbs
  24. Lose additional 7 lbs
  25. Lose a total of 21 lbs
  26. Wear that bikini i bought years ago and never wore
  27. Comfortably wear everything in that one box of clothes that are too small but I refuse to get rid of
  28. Repair the shoes in my "shoe bag" that need to be repaired
  29. Get rid of any clothes I haven't worn in a year
  30. Give away at least 10 pair of shoes
  31. Get my passport stamped
  32. Celebrate something in Vegas
  33. Visit a US city I've never seen
  34. Take my kid to Disney World
  35. By an iMac (12/13/13)
  36. Swim w/ dolphins
  37. Jet ski
  38. Drive (or at least ride in) a race car
  39. Skydive
  40. Get a raise (10/01/13)
  41. Get a promotion at work
  42. Accept the marriage proposal of a godly man
  43. Plan my own wedding
  44. Marry my best friend
  45. Give birth to a healthy baby boy
  46. Video-blog my pregnancy
  47. Start a family tradition
  48. Host a family holiday dinner
  49. Complete a family tree for all 4 sides of my family
  50. Document it and share it with my family
  51. Read 30 books
  52. Copywrite the title of my book
  53. Develop the outline for my book
  54. Collect research for my book
  55. Complete a book
  56. Publish a book
  57. Have a book signing
  58. Sell my book on iTunes and Amazon
  59. Purchase my book off the shelf and take a picture doing it
  60. Credit score goal #1
  61. Credit score goal #2
  62. Credit score goal #3
  63. Have a least one date each month and journal it through pictures
  64. Create a picture book using the photos
  65. Attend a Bears game
  66. Attend a Blackhawks game
  67. Attend a Chicago Fire game
  68. Attend a Chicago Sky game
  69. Be a tourist in my hometown for a weekend
  70. Dine at 15 new restaurants
  71. Leave at 100% tip
  72. Have a romantic kiss under fireworks
  73. Buy a camera
  74. Take a photography class
  75. Take a graphic design class
  76. Take a Chicago stepper's dance class
  77. Take a beginners ballroom dancing class
  78. Buy my dad a Mac with the money I owe him
  79. Give my mom a full spa treatment
  80. Take my sister on a trip
  81. Make and keep a dentist appointment (12/16/13)
  82. Build my savings to 3 months salary and never let it drop below that amount
  83. Open an investment account
  84. Do My parents' Christmas cards
  85. Send out my own Christmas cards
  86. Go caroling with my family
  87. Organize TL Media recordings
  88. Organize TL Media documents
  89. Get a full spa treatment
  90. Pay for the gas of the stranger 
  91. Give a gift card to my neighbor across the street
  92. Pick up the bill for a family with small children at a restaurant
  93. Buy groceries for an elderly person in line (09/29/13)
  94. Create a 30 day challenge for IG
  95. Complete the 30 day challenge on IG
  96. Leave 30 Operation Beautiful notes
  97. Test drive a luxury vehicle
  98. Write and perform something at an open mic
  99. Lay out tomorrow's clothes every night for a month
  100. Stay in a 5 star hotel
  101. Convince some one else to take on the 101 in 1001 challenge