Am I Missing Something?
Current mood:
All my life, I've never been the type of person to have a lot of friends. I always knew a lot of people, and a lot of people knew me, but that was simply because I stayed in some kind of spot light such as a school play or sports team. Making friends was something I never really had to do because I was just known. When I went away to college, I spent my Freshman year trying to make friends, but often times I realized that the friends I was trying to make, were not the type of friends I wanted to have. I don't know if that discouraged me or not, but for the most part, the rest of my time in undergrad I spent with no attempts to make any friends. I stayed to myself. I was anti-socail. I knew some people, some people knew me, and that was that.
Now I've come to the point where I think I desire friendship. I long for multiple phone calls on the weekend to hang out here and do that there, and not just from niggas tryna hit. I don't have "girls" to have girls night out with. I don't have a "crew" to have a get together with. What I have is a couple friends who have close relationships with others and who have best friends. I believe different friends serve different purposes. There are friends for going bowling with. There are friends for discussing favorite television shows with. There are friends for clubbing with. Some people even have friends stickly for having sex. But I don't really have many friends of my own. Why?
Maybe I'm too picky with the company I keep. I don't want to be around people who smoke all the time. I don't want to be around people who spend a vast amount of time doing things that amount to nothing. I don't want to be around people who haven't accomplished much in life and who don't have goals for the future. And I don't want to be around people who have little to no class. Don't get me wrong. I'm not lonely and depressed or anything. I do have 2 or 3 friends and I appreciate then more than anything. But am I asking to much? If not, why don't I have friends? Am I missing something? Is it all that it's hyped up to be?
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago
5 years ago