WRITE A LETTER TO: Day 9 — Someone you wish you could meet
I have always been concerned with White America's perception of Black women. Why? Because in some cases, the most accurate portrayal White America has of Black women comes from reality TV - from shows that depict Black woman as self-proclaimed HBIC (Head B*tch In Charge) Tiffany Pollard, also known as New York, of Flava of Love, I Love New York, and New York Goes to Hollywood, and her mama, Sister Patterson; From shows that illustrate Black women as perpetually engaged but never married baby mama's Tiny and Toya. Where's the rest?
Where's the working Black woman saving for retirement? Where's the educated Black woman, taking care of home and still maintain her career? Where's the Christian Black woman, making a difference in the lives of others?
I would like America to see the Black woman in you, Mrs. Obama. I would like America to see how the Black woman in you takes care of her husband, who happens to be the commander in chief of this country. I would like America to see how the Black woman in you raises her husband. I would like America to see how the Black woman in you is more than just the wife or baby mama of a rich man. I would like America to see the Black woman in you.
I would also like to have lunch with you. Everyone says we look alike! At first, it was only White people who said it, and I thought to myself, "They think we ALL look alike." But then Black people started saying it too. lol
So what do you say? Lunch at the White House soon? Let me know :)
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