I'm back agin! Yes, again. The last time I stopped blogging and came back, my goal was to build up my following. And monitoring the number of hits to this page, I had a pretty decent following...quite a few faithful readers. But why should any of you read faithfully if I don't write faithfully?
Tea and Such has told me (more than once, I believe) to WRITE IT DOWN! However time and time again I don't. But last night I had a convo that lead to a blog that I posted years ago. At the time I couldn't remember when or where I posted the blog, but i was lead to myspace (yes myspace), and found a number of blog posts there. Reading old posts and the responses got me itching to write again. So after I transfer all the myspace posts to this blog, I will be back at it again. so stay tuned.
I'm a prisoner of words unsaid. Just lonely feelings locked away in my head. I trap myself further everytime I stay quiet. I start to speak but I stop and stay silent. And now I've made my own hard bed.
Inside a prison of words unsaid
~Alicia Keys
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