Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Happy (late) Thanksgiving

I haven't been blogging much lately because I was planning the first annual "Save Our Children...Save Our Future" Gospel Showcase (which, by the way, was a huge success). But here's the post that would have come on Thanksgiving.

While I've always been taught that every day is a day of thanksgiving, I've decided this year to be especially thankful for the things I DON'T have :)

9. A job. Not working has allowed the opportunity to take a few steps towards some personal goals. Steps that I would not have otherwise been able to take while working.

8. An eviction notice. I've been off work 3 and a half months and I still have my own.

7. A gas bill. I've seen the gas bill at my parents' house and at the church. I'm soooo glad my cooking gas and heat are included in my rent.

6. Poor health - specifically diabetes. I'm not the HEALTHIEST eater, but I'm not a very UNhealthy eater either. I can't imaging having to limit my sugar intake with so much detail as grapes per day, or having to chose a meal over a glass of wine.

5. A lot of debt. This time last year, I paid off my Victoria's Secret card, New York and Company card, and Capital One card, and I've kept the balance off since. With the acception of student loans and a car note, I have reletively no debt.

4. Loser friends. All of my friends may not have a degree, a nice job, car, or house, but all of them are doing something with their lives. All of them are career oriented and have goals (no matter what level). And none of them am I ashamed to say are my best friends. TTWBU!

3. A disfunctional family. I will admit, my family has it's share of issues, as does any family, but I thank God for some functionability. It's pleasing to know people say I act like my mom sometimes, and other times like my dad.

2. A baby-daddy. Lord KNOWS I'm thankful for that. Even when I marry and have kids, I plan to have a husband who will be a great father. Not a baby-daddy.

1. A White president. Selah.


I love jewelry. I don't have a very extensive collection, but I have a few diamond pieces, gold, white gold, silver, surgical steel for the navel, and I have some costume jewelry for certain outfits. I'm definately a lover of jewelry. What I don't love is when people wear ALL of their jewelry at once. I was at city hall today and the cashier was wearing 4 necklaces, all with charms, 4 bracelets on one wrist, 5 bracelets on the other, 4 rings on one hand, 4 rings on the other. All gold. And I'd like to believe that while I couldn't see, she probably had gold anklets on too. I thought the Mr. T trend was buried decades ago.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rock Teacher

I was in class Thursday night, and we were doing this leadership exercise that took us back to our childhood. We talked about what we did, what we read, what we watched on TV, and who we looked up to. It's a pretty general consensus that we all read Highlights, watched Saved By the Bell, and looked up to our bestfriend's mom. But when I said I use to play Rock Teacher, everyone in the class gave me this "hunh?" look. Was that game only played on my granny's porch? Is it specific to the kids from 86th/Blackstone? Hmmm...

Friday, November 14, 2008

It's officially here!

Christmas has officially arrive in the home of LaSondra. I absolutely LOVE Christmas. It really is the most wonderful time of the year! Why?

10. WLIT 93.9 - They play all holiday music, all day, everyday. And I never get tired of it. Ok maybe sometimes, but it's rare. It's already started. I Love Christmas music.

9. Food - Mom puts her foot in everything she makes. I love the food.

8. Gifts. Not so much the receiving of gifts because I've always been a giver. But every child always gets that ONE gift that just makes them go crazy. I love to see the reactions.

7. Tradition. We always have family dinner on Christmas Eve. Uncle Bill and Aunt Theresa are always gonna be late, even if dinner is at one of their houses. lol. But traditionally, each family receives a candle to take home and burn at night from Christmas Eve on into Christmas day. This represents the importance of continuing to let the Light shine not just on Christmas, but at all times, remembering that Jesus is the Light of the world. I love tradition.

6. It's a holiday. And coming from a very close-knit family, holidays are always so warm and fuzzy. I love my family.

5. I love sitting around my parent's living room with my sis, aunts, uncle, granddaddy, all my cousins, and all the family friends, singing Christmas carols like we're on stage at the Chicago theater performing for a crowd of thousands. On my Dad's side of the family, EVERYBODY sings or plays an instrument, and if you don't do either, I'm ante-ing up for a DNA test. I love singing.

4. Kidd/Smith originals. Coming from a musical background, when we get together (for any holdiay) we always make up original songs. Whether it be the comical "12 Days of Christmas", or the the spiritual "Jesus is the Reason for the Season", we always have a blast writing and singing original Christmas carols (we will be heading to the studio to put our stuff on wax soon. Look for it). I love creativity.

3. Sheer entertainment. My little cousins never cease to amaze me when they perform their Christmas talents. But no one has topped Staci's suprising rendition of Aaliyah's "Rock the Boat" a while back when she was like...6? lol. I love the kiddies.

2. Granddaddy - My Granddeddy (yes I said GrandDEDDY, not GrandDADDY) turned 85 this year. He doesn't get excited about much these days, and he pretty much only lives just to see if he'll see another day. He's been this way for at least a year now.
But to see him on Christmas...to see the joy he has being with all his children and grandchildren around the dinner table...that's something to cherish. I love Granddeddy.

1. It's the celebration of Christ's birth! Often times, people shorten the word Christmas by taking the "Christ" out and replacing it with and X. Last year, you could walk through an entire shopping mall without seeing the word Christmas anywhere because everything said "X-mas" or Holiday. I love remembering that with out Christ, there is no CHRISTmas.

Monday, November 10, 2008

6. Re-arrange my bedroom

#6 on my "101 in 1001" is to re-arrange my bedroom furniture, and with a little help, I finally got it done. I had some reservation about putting my bed in front of the window. Not because of any superstitions, but because I LOVE sunlight, and I didn't want to block any of it with my headboard. In addition, the window (a bay window) houses candles and 2 vases that I fill with my favorite flowers (peruvian lillies) from time to time. But I tried it anyway, and instead of keeping my bed and dresser on opposite walls, I put them on adjacent walls and freed up SOOOO much space in my room. So now I will be shopping for an additional piece of furniture for my bedroom, maybe a tall bookshelf or a big comfy chair, and another Annie Lee or 2 to add to my small collection.

Task complete!

61 - Cut my relaxed hair and go natural (whew!)

The Mission : Complete 101 pre-set tasks in 1001 days.

This task is complete, but I'm not exactly sure when. Transitioning my hair back to its natural state has been quite the task. I've had my share of bad hair days. I've experienced the frustration of straightening naps, breaking combs, and being late for meetings. But I must say, my natural hair is longer and more healthy than my relaxed hair ever was. I don't regret it one bit, even though there are times when I'm tempted to throw some no lye on it. No lie. lol. Let me also throw in that very few people have seen my hair in its natural stage in the last 6 months (that sweet Jesus for advancements is hair weave. It's so convenient. Hallelujah! LOL).

#61 - Cut my relaxed hair and go natural (whew!). Task complete!

87 - Create a list of my all-time favorite music artists

My all-time favorite artists and favorite album and song (no particular order):

1. Tweet - Southern Hummingbird, "Best Friend" and "Beautiful"
2. Erykah Badu - Mama's Gun, "Orange Moon"
3. Lauryn Hill - The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill, "Nothing Even Matters"
4. Chrisette Michele - I Am, "If I Have My Way"
5. Corinne Bailey Rae - Corinne Bailey Rae, "Breathless"

1. Israel New Breed - Live From Another Level, "Another Breakthrough"
2. Richard Smallwood - Healing: Live in Detroit, "Be Open"
3. James Hall - Live from New York at Lincoln Center, "Hold To God's Unchanging Hand"
4. Tremaine Hawkins - All My Best to You, "Potter's House"
5. William Smith, Jr. & the Renewed Voices for Christ - He Reigns, "You Are"

I don't listen to a lot of rap but my favs are Biggie (Ready to Die vs Life After Death, idk) and Jigga (Blue Print vs Black Album, idk)

Task Complete.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

66. Pray that at least 1 of them gives their life back to Christ

#66. in my "101 in 1001" is to pray that at least 1 of the 10 people I listed in #65 gives their life back to Christ.

My prayers have begun.

James 5:16 (Part B) says, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much" (KJV). The New Living Translation says, "The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and wonderful results." I am believing God that some one is gonna be saved!

65. Create a list of 10 people I love and invite them to church

#65 in my "101 in 1001" is to create a list of 10 people I love and invite them to church.

I've created my list. Some of these people I invite to church fairly often. Actually...MOST of them I invite to church fairly often. There are actually only 2 people on the list who I think I've never invited. Only 2 of the 10 have ever come when I invited them. Now, I'm not the "beat-you-over-the-head-with-a-Bible" type, but I am going to keep inviting each of them, at least until the give church a try. Maybe not MY church, but SOMEbody's Christian church.

Friday, November 7, 2008

MY country 'tis of thee...

I've been thinking a lot about President-elect Obama and the task he has ahead of him. And while he won the popular vote across the States and is being celebrated all over the world, there are some HATERS who expect him to fail, so much so they are probably willing to contribute to his downfall. Just as bad are the Obama
"supporters" who maybe didn't vote, or who plan to sit back and "see what he do"

Well, for those "supporters" who were just on the bandwagon, your ride has come to an end. And if you are not really in support of the Obama administration, if your allegiance isn't truly dedicated to this sweet land of liberty, move on out the way so that we brave citizens can contribute to building on our nation's heritage - indivisibly, and under God's guidance - and let freedom ring with liberty and justice for all.

With that being said, short of inlisting in the army, what are you plans for making this nation a better county?

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Look of Education

So, while I was getting my oil changed, there was a young man, maybe 23 or 24 years old, chattin' it up with the chick who was checking my fluids and tire pressure. I couldn't see him from where I was sitting, but eventually, he joined me in the waiting area. I could tell he was waiting on me to make eye contact with him so he can get in some conversation, but I was deep into the special Obama section in today's Tribune. When he removed the hood from his head, I noticed he had a fresh hair cut. Nice lining. And a slight sparkle coming from his left ear. My car was the only car in the garage, so he wasn't a customer. And he didn't have on a LubePro jacket, but he did appear to have on "work clothes" so I took him to be a shade tree mechanic who might have been waiting for a job application or something. As soon as he got half a glimpse of eye contact he smile with much pride, and a nodding head, and said, "Obama"

Funniest thing all day. I swear. And I laughed with him. He mentioned that he considered saying it to the White boy who just left, and I proceeded to engage him in conversation on how "Black" didn't get Obama elected and "Black" is not gonna be the basis of his great leadership. But that's another blog.

Anyway, he asked me, "What college you go to?" A bit puzzled by the question, I looked down at the "Roosevelt University" hoodie I was wearing and responded, "What college DID I go to? I graduated from the U of I in Champaign, but I go to Roosevelt now." He then commenced to tell me how educated women have a certain "look" and how he could tell that I was educated. Amused, I pulled up my torn jogging pants and tied my Ones so the strings would get dirty from the rain water, and I lent him my ear.

Note: I was wearing a green hoodie. Old Air Force Ones. And old jogging pants. Jogging pants so old there was no more elastic around the ankles and the hem was ragged, torn, and cut up on each pant leg. My hair was pulled back, natural, with some mousse, giving it a curly 'fro look.

"Yeah I can tell. Cuz you 'on got no tracks hangin' all outcho head and them long fingernail. I can tell." I smiled and laughed so more. "Overall, I think you are attractive though. I think you cute." He smiled a bright smile (note the pearly whites on a dark guy, straight teeth too), I smile and thanked him, then check my email from my phone to avoid further conversation.

A couple minutes later he asked, "would I be doing too much if I asked for your number?" Flattered, but not suprised, I smiled again and responded, "It wouldn't be too much because it doesn't hurt to ask, but I'm not interested." Then he told me how he doesn't hear that much (guess he's not use to rejection). But I smiled again and told him to have a good day.

So, my fellow blog readers. In your opinion, does education have a "look"? If so, what does it look like?

Under New Management

There is a LubePro where I'd been getting my oil changed for a little over a year. When I first started using their service, I felt the young men who worked there thought I was some bourgeois b*tch. I always got my oil changed on the clock, so I was usually in a hurry. I never wanted to get out the car. I had on business clothes. Plus I usually completed paper work or made phone calls while I was waiting. Even with my brightest, most friendly smiles (I love to smile. I smile at just about everyone), I felt I gave off this VIP aura or something. They would "yes ma'am" me, and "excuss me miss" me to death! Maybe I just LOOKED like some one important. IDK. Eventually, all that formality lightened up. Whereas it seemed they use to hate to see me coming, they began to greet me by name, with a smile, and engage in small talk with the slightest bit of flirtatious humor, all while giving me the most efficient 10-minute lube service ever (checked my air filter, tire pressure, transmission fluid, windshield washer fluid, etc). I loved it. And I made it my business to get there every 3,000 miles. Imagine my disappointment a few months ago when I went to get my oil change and saw that they were closed. Not for the day, but closed for business. A month or so later, I saw that they were open again, so when I went to get my oil changed today, I made it my business to get back over there, only to be further disappointed by the new management. New faces. New procedures. And a new WAIT time. I was there 30 minutes. And the disappointment was immense. While the service was friendly and throrough, I won't be going back there anymore.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Is Racism Dead?

The events of Novemeber 4, 2008, have been beyond history-making. The results of this election have been so influential, not only to African Americans, but to people of all kinds, all over the world. So much so, I'm fixing my mouth to say that Barack Obama has become president of the world. And yes this is a major accomplishment in this history of Blacks, from slavery, to civil rights, and all the way to the White House. But is this simply another milestone in our fight for equality? Is it true that Republicans have become the new Klan (T in That New Ish)? Or has racism really come to an end?

Your thoughts.

Pics from around the world.

Obama's Step-Grandmother in Kenya

Elementary school Obama attended in Indonesia












Martin Luther King Jr's sister in Atlanta



Times Square


Monday, November 3, 2008

What the DUFF?

I stole this post from Love Is A Minefield.

D.U.F.F. - Designated Ugly Fat Friend

Apparently, every group of friends has a DUFF. Why? Because it makes the rest of the people in the group feel better about themselves. Is there any truth to this? Personally, I don't feel I have any ugly friends. All my girls are fly.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Some of McCain's black relatives support Obama

In the rural Teoc community of Carroll County, Miss., where the ancestors of Sen. John McCain owned enslaved Africans on a plantation, black, white and mixed-race family members unite every two years for their Coming Home Reunion, on the land where the plantation operated.
Some of McCain’s black family members say they are not sure exactly where they fall on the family tree, but they do know this: They are either descendants of the McCain family slaves, or of children the McCains fathered with their slaves.

White and black members of the McCain family have met on the plantation several times over the last 15 years, but one invited guest has been conspicuously absent: Sen. John Sidney McCain.

“Why he hasn’t come is anybody’s guess,” said Charles McCain Jr., 60, a distant cousin of John McCain who is black. “I think the best I can come up with, is that he doesn’t have time, or he has just distanced himself, or it doesn’t mean that much to him.”

Other relatives are not as generous.

Lillie McCain, 56, another distant cousin of John McCain who is black, said the Republican presidential nominee is trying to hide his past, and refuses to accept the family’s history.

“After hearing him in 2000 claim his family never owned slaves, I sent him an email,” she recalled. “I told him no matter how much he denies it, it will not make it untrue, and he should accept this and embrace it.”

She said the senator never responded to her email.

Although Charles is uncertain who will get his vote for president, several of John McCain’s black and white relatives are supporting his Democratic rival, Sen. Barack Obama.

“I am absolutely supporting Obama, and it’s not because he’s black. It’s because he is the best person at this time in our history,” said Lillie McCain, a professor of psychology at Mott Community College in Flint, Michigan.

“We simply need to look at the economy, and McCain’s campaign does not take us there,” said Joyce McCain, Lillie’s sister, a retired engineering manager with General Motors who lives in Grand Blanc, Michigan. “He is my cousin, but we are in dire times right now and people are hurting. Sen. Obama is clearly the best choice to be president.’’

Charles McCain and his wife, Theresa, who still live in Teoc, started the reunions over a decade ago. Charles is the deacon of Mitchell Springs Baptist Church, the only black house of worship in the area.

When Theresa McCain started the family reunions in the late 1980s or early ‘90s (neither he nor his wife is sure of the exact starting date), only black family members attended. But as word spread about the gatherings, white members of the McCain family got involved. Today, the reunion has expanded to the point where it is becoming a community event.

The reunion’s website, teocfamilyreunion.ning.com, has pictures, postings and other information about the family gatherings. While Sen. McCain’s brother, Joe, and many of his other white relatives attend the reunions, family members say Sen. McCain has never acknowledged them, or even responded to their invitations.

“Well, a lot of the people who had moved away and were living up north, would send money to help us maintain the church,” said Theresa McCain, 62. “Myself and others began inviting them back home for picnics, just to show our appreciation.”

The McCain campaign did not respond to repeated questions about John McCain’s black relatives, or about his relatives of both races who support Obama. Pablo Carrillo, a media liaison with the McCain campaign, said the senator was aware of his African-American relatives, but asked the reporter to put his questions into writing, and that someone would get back to him.

After the reporter sent questions in writing, and made repeated follow-up phone calls, neither Sen. McCain nor anyone else from the campaign responded.

Based on information obtained by the South Florida Times, the senator has numerous black and mixed-raced relatives who were born on, or in, the area of the McCain plantation. The mixed races in the family can be traced back to the rural Teoc community of Carroll County, Miss., where his family owned slaves.

Sen. John McCain’s great, great grandfather, William Alexander McCain (1812-1863), fought for the Confederacy and owned a 2,000-acre plantation named Waverly in Teoc. The family dealt in the slave trade, and, according to official records, held at least 52 slaves on the family’s plantation. The enslaved Africans were likely used as servants, for labor, and for breeding more slaves.

William McCain’s son, and Sen. John McCain’s great grandfather, John Sidney McCain (1851-1934), eventually assumed the duty of running the family’s plantation.

W.A. “Bill” McCain IV, a white McCain cousin, and his wife Edwina, are the current owners of the land. Both told the South Florida Times that they attend the reunions. They also said the McCain campaign had asked them not to speak to the media about the reunions, or about why the senator has never acknowledged the family gatherings.

In addition to distancing himself from his black family members, John McCain has taken several positions on issues that have put him at odds with members of the larger black community.

While running for the Republican Party nomination in 2000, he sided with protesters who were calling for the rebel battle flag to be removed from the South Carolina statehouse, only to alter that position later.

"Some view it as a symbol of slavery. Others view it as a symbol of heritage,” John McCain said of the flag. "Personally, I see the battle flag as a symbol of heritage. I have ancestors who have fought for the Confederacy, none of whom owned slaves. I believe they fought honorably.’’

Novelist Elizabeth Spencer, another white cousin of John McCain, noted the slaves the family owned in the family’s memoirs, Landscapes of the Heart. Sen. McCain has acknowledged reading the book, but claims to have only glossed over entries about their slaves.

“That’s crazy,” said Spencer, who also attends the reunions in Teoc. “No one had to tell us, because we all knew about the slaves. I may not vote, because I don’t want anyone to think that I have an issue with John, but I don’t want to see him become president because I think Obama is entirely adequate, and it’s time for a Democrat.’’

Spencer acknowledged donating money to the Obama campaign and to what she called “Democratic causes.”

Sen. John McCain was born in 1936 at the Coco Solo Naval Air Station, a segregated military installation in the Panama Canal, where his father was stationed in the U.S. Navy. His family returned to the states shortly after his birth; where he went on to attend segregated schools in the Teoc community and elsewhere around the country.

He served in the Navy, where he was a prisoner of war during Vietnam, before being released and eventually running for Congress.

After he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1982, McCain voted against the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. national holiday in 1983. When he arrived in the U.S. Senate in 1986, he joined North Carolina Sen. Jesse Helms in opposing the holiday again, and voted in 1994 to cut funding to the commission that marketed it.

John McCain also aligned himself with former Arizona Gov. Evan Mecham.

Mecham was the governor in McCain’s home state of Arizona from January 1987 to April 1988, when he was impeached and removed from office for campaign finance violations. As a state senator and governor, Mecham publicly used racial slurs against black people and other minorities. He was also a member of the John Birch Society, which opposes civil rights legislation. In 1986, Mecham campaigned for governor on a promise to rescind the state’s recognition of the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, which he did in 1987.

Earlier this year, during the 40th anniversary recognition of King’s assassination, McCain, by this time a presidential candidate, said he was wrong for opposing the national King holiday.

Politics in America has long been steeped in the dynamics of the country’s myriad cultures, diverse ethnicities, and varying religious beliefs. Several of Sen. McCain’s black relatives say Obama’s candidacy represents progress.

“He is denying his black and white relatives in Teoc,” said Joyce McCain, 54. “I think he may not want the country to know his family’s full history, but times have changed and we need to move on, and that’s why I’m supporting Obama.”

I voted early becasue Obama is "a terrorist"

This video makes me sick to my stomach. Look at the video first, then view my comments below.

1. "Do you think Barack Obama is a terrorist?"
Notice how most people avoided the question. However everyone seemed to find the question humorous.

2. "Sarah is a normal American...Barack is a seasoned politician."
Clearly this woman's head is stuck in the Bushes (pun intended) if she used this statement to back her support of McCain/Palin.

3. "You need gloves to touch him"
The words of a child barely tall enough to be seen (referring to Senator Obama). These are not words that a child makes up on her own. She has made this opinion based on the things she has heard said at home, none of which I believe have anything to do with politics.

4. "I think he was indoctrinated by the teachings of his father"
Clearly this man had his head stuck in the Bushes if he used this statement to support his claim that Senator Obama is a communist. Obama has seen his father like TWICE, ever! To this he responds, "the teachings of his father, not personally" <...crickets...>

5. "He's the Joker"
Some McCain/Palin supporters believe Barack Obama is the Joker, others think he's just a joke, but guess what people? Let's really give them something to laugh at. November 4th! (I voted early)

Monday, October 20, 2008

Adam & Eve

We had a church outting yesterday and this is the sign that was hanging on the bathroom door. Unique or no?

The Value of Education

I have a Bachelor's degree. I'm 7 months away from a Master's. Today I interviewed for a position today that pays $27,000. The fact that I even found myself in a position where I would considered interviewing for this position boggles me...blows my mind. Is that all my education is worth? I learned $27,000 worth knowledge from Alfrances Sharpe and Frederick Madison alone (for those of you who don't know, those were my most challenging HS teachers, the ones who gave me the hardest time, the one with which I had the most trouble, the ones I learned the most from).

Now, it's easy to blame the economy. Businesses can't afford to hire...blah blah blah. I aint tryna hear that. I've have 3 years professional work experience, WITH my degree, and Kanye aint the only college drop-out making more money than me. Am I bitter about that? Nah. Does it bother me? Slightly. But you know what keeps me going? My faith.

As a faithful tither, I have't missed a bill, a calculation that reaches far beyond my understanding of math because for the past 2 years, my monthly expenses have exceeded my monthly income. Crazy huh? Nah, it's not crazy. It's God. I dare you to try him.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Technology in today's church

During pastoral observations today, Pastor decided to do an altar call. Now this wasn't exactly unusual, but definately unique. Making note of the many friends and loved ones who may have had a desire to attend church (or not) but were unable - due to illnesses, employment, incarceration, etc - Pastor admonished us to conect with them, right then and there. Everyone pulled out their iPhones, Blackberry, Sidekicks, Razers, Boost Mobiles, Pick-up-and-go's, burners, and made a phone call from their seats. We got Moms, Dads, frat, sorrors, bffs, all them on our phones, brought them with us to the altar, and he prayed.

Just a few Sunday's ago, Pastor viewed all 3 services (plus Sunday school) live via the internet from his sick bed (anyone who knows my Pastor knows he aint tryna miss out on nothing that happens at the Light).

One of our sister churches has a member who is doing some work in India and views her church's services live each Sunday from the internet too.

Oh, and my church has "direct tithing" where your tithes can come directly from banking account.

Church and technology sure has come a log way huh? I'm excited about my church getting that plasma in the fellowship hall so we can watch the football games (after church of course) in high definition on Sundays while we're having our fried chicken dinners between services.

Have you guys seen any innovative technology in your churches or churched that you've visited?

Cuddle Buddy Classifieds

How great it would be to be wrapped up in a warm body of masculinity, kept warm and held close until I fall asleep. How much more great would it be to have it be sex-free. I think the idea may be marketable, but is it reality? Opposite sexes, naturally attracted, with a sex-free cuddle routine? I doubt it. Arousel sets in with a mere thought. Throw in a taste of temptation and you've got a recipe for...well, sin (in my case). I don't trust the situation, and I don't trust my hormones. So in light of my confessed weakness, I thank God for affectionate pets!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Condition of Mind

I've come to find that the state of my bedroom is a clear indicator of the conditon of my mind. I haven't done laundry in well over a month. Their are clothes every where, clean and dirty, shoes that I can't wear because I can't find the mate and my bed is never made. But none of this matters as no one ever breaks the barrier of my bedroom door. The rest of my place, outside of my bedroom (at least the living room and bathroom), stay fairly presentable.

Inside my head resides a plethora of ideas, a number of tasks, an endless lifelong to-do list. I haven't had a mental purging of my thoughts in well over a month and there are a few things beginning to spoil and leave a foul smell. Good ideas and bad ideas are all tangled up in a knot that's gonna take lots of focus to separate. A number of items sit on the back burner because I can't find the mate (in this case, time) to complete the task. But does any of this matter? Only to me, because no one ever breaks the barrier of my mind. The rest of me, outside of my mind, stay fairly presentable. I smile. I hold my head up high. I walk like I'm rich and talk like I'm and Ivy League graduation...ok maybe not but, ya know. lol

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Million Dollar Martini

Not quite a million dollars, these cocktails are listed as the most expensive in the world (according to Forbes).

Sword Martinis at Jambu's Bar in the Raffles Resort Canouan Island, Grenadines

Price Tag: $300
Ingredients (Classic):Belvedere VodkaDry vermouthLemon twistCactaur root

Jambu's Bar at the Raffles Resort in the Grenadines boasts a lucky 88 martinis, four of which top the price list at $300 per glass. The key ingredient in each is a customized and handmade 14-karat gold sword: The Bushido features a miniature samurai sword; the Old Glory comes with a Civil War-era replica; the Excalibur has a version of its eponymous legendary saber; and the Classic sports a regular sword. Collect them all.

The Ritz Side Car in the Bar Hemingway at the Hotel Ritz, Paris

Price Tag: $515
Ingredients: 1830 Ritz Reserve cognac Cointreau A drop of freshly squeezed lemon

This drink is the holder of the Guinness World Record for the most expensive cocktail, and features some of the oldest cognac in the world. Made from grapes that were on vines well before the phylloxera infestation of the 1860s devastated many of France's finest vineyards, the 1830 Ritz Reserve cognac provides a taste of history and can be found in only a handful of bottles. Over the past three years, the Ritz has sold approximately 60 of these drinks, so they may not last very long.

Magie Noir (Black Magic) at the Umbaba nightclub, London

Price Tag: $630
Ingredients: Richard Hennessy cognac Dom Perignon vintage champagne Créme de mure blackberry liqueur Lemon grass Lychees Extract of yohimbe bark

Barman Giles Andreis devised this wonder at the request of a pair of Goldman Sachs bankers who wanted to celebrate their bonuses with something special. Although the drink now comes with a 24-karat white-gold cocktail pin, purists can order theirs the way it was originally poured on that first big night.

The Red Ruby at Reserve, Chicago

Price Tag: $950
Ingredients: Grey Goose L'Orange vodka Hypnotiq cognac Orange juice Pama, a pomegranate liqueur A splash of Dom Perignon champagne

Pete Gugni, the manager of this nightclub in Chicago's West Loop, has assembled an impressive array of liquid delights for this cocktail. And, drawing upon his background in the jewelry business, he has hidden in their midst a one-carat, A-grade ruby.

Platinum Passion at Duvet, New York

Price Tag: $1,500
Ingredients: L'Esprit de Courvoisier Squeeze of lemon Syrup of passion fruit, forest berries, wildflower honey, and brown sugar Fill with Ruinart Champagne

The Duvet restaurant in New York may be most famous for entertaining its patrons on mattresses, but its signature cocktail may also leave you flat on your back. Served in a chilled champagne flute and garnished with an orchid, the elixir is said to be a favorite of Paris Hilton and Pamela Anderson.

Sapphire Martini in the Mezz at Foxwoods Resort Casino, Connecticut

Price Tag: $3,000
Ingredients: Bombay Sapphire gin (or the patron's choice of premium vodka) Blue curaçao A dash of dry vermouth Blue sugar (for the rim of the glass)Platinum-mounted diamond and sapphire earrings

What turns this cocktail from something tasty and blue into a drink that could change your life (or at least your marital status) is its sterling-silver pick crowned with a 14-karat gold accent ring. Actually, it's not even so much the pick as what the pick is holding: a pair of platinum-mounted diamond (0.8 carats) and sapphire (2.5 carats) earrings.

Diamond Cocktail in the Piano Bar at the Sheraton Park Tower Hotel, London

Price Tag: $4,350
Ingredients: Charles Heidsieck Vintage 2001 Champagne Remy Martin Louis XIII cognac Angostura bitters Sugar cube Your choice of a diamond or ruby

This price of this glittering champagne cocktail will depend on the quality of the gemstone picked to be the garnish: selecting a 0.6 carat diamond will produce a $4,350 drink, "but we could go up to $19,000 if a customer would like to choose such a gemstone" says the bar's assistant manager, Theodore Garcia. In any event, the presence of Charles Heidsieck Champagne and Remy Martin Louis XIII cognac (a blend of cognacs -- some of which are more than 125 years old -- that retails for $1,750 per bottle) guarantees that the flavor will be exceptional.

Martini on the Rock in the Blue Bar at the Algonquin Hotel, New York

Price Tag: $10,000
Ingredients: Vodka Dry vermouth Olive Enormous diamond

A 1.52-carat diamond will do wonders to enliven a regular martini. This cocktail may be the only drink that must be ordered with 72 hours notice, and its price will vary depending on the precise diamond selected. The good news is that the first time the drink was served, the assessed value of the diamond was actually a few thousand dollars higher than the bar tab, so you might actually profit from ordering one.

Dazzle at the Second Floor Bar in Harvey Nichols, Manchester

Price Tag: $51,200
Ingredients: Rose champagne Strawberry liqueur Lychee liqueur Lemon juice Syrup 18-karat white-gold ring with pink tourmaline and diamond stones

This cocktail from the high-end English department store, Harvey Nichols, comes with a side of security guards who escort it safely to the table. The bar now features a special safe to guard the rings, which clients can order according to their budget -- and their desire to impress.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Unkempt Unemployment

Today as I spent 2 and a half hours at the unemployment office for something that took all of 20 minutes, I experienced the following list of things that should NOT happen at the unempoloyment office.

10. No mother should allow her 3 year old child (old enough to know better) to wonder through the office (under the rope and behind the counter). Get somewhere and SAT DOWN!
9. There should not be any one popping chewing gum.
8. The security guard should not be slumped down in his seat with his head against the wall. I'm the one who's been waiting 2 hours for my name to be called! (Addition: I went back a few days later and this guy was working security.
7. The security guard should not be gray-haired and in his 60's. I did not feel safe.
6. Men should not be trying to talk to me. You don't have a job. I don't have a job. So let's date? I think not.
5. There should not be any one cracking sunflower seeds and spitting them into her hand. Not only is it annoying, but very unsanitary. I immediately searched for hand sanitizer (to no avail).
4. There should not be more "cell phones on vibrate" signs than there are job postings.
3. The resource area should not be bare. There were signs where job postings SHOULD be, but there was nothing there.
2. The very first job opportunity I see should not be for an exotic dancer.
1. "I apologize for the wait, but we are understaffed" - The unemployment office should NOT be short staffed! All the jobless people that come in here every day and you can't find anyone qualified for the job?!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

"I'm Married But..."

This statement just should not exist. While in Target waiting on my male companion earlier this evening, the following conversation took place:

(Random Married Dude double takes THREE TIMES!)

Random Married Dude: I'm married but...you cute.

Me: (puzzled look on face) ok.

RMD: I jus gotta shake ur hand. Are you married?

Me: No.

RMD: Why not?

Me: (now irritated) Because God has not brought me to that point in my life.

RMD: Well why don't you walk with me and tell me about it?

Me: You're married.

RMD: Which is great until I see somebody like you.

Me: (now disgusted) I'm waiting on some one.

RMD: Aw you wit yo boyfriend or something? (pulls at his shirt) and I'm out here looking like a bumb.

Me: You're married!!!

At this point, I'm so disgusted I don't even remember how the situation ended. What has happened to the sanctity of marriage?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

13 - Open a bank account for my business

#13 on my "101 in 1001" is open a bank account for my business. Task Complete. What is my business?

In the Seed Event Design is an organization dedicated to transforming your special event into an experience you'll never forget. Birthday parties, fundraisers, music concerts, youth rallies. In the Seed Event Design. Where everything you need is in the seed.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Christians don't HAVE to go to church, right?


As my pastor would say, "A Christian without a church is like a fish without water. It's still a fish. It's just a dead fish."

If you still are not convinced, here are some reasons why Christians should go to church:

Going to church builds up our Spiritual Strength. The Bible says, "Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God" (Romans 10:17, KJV). But how can we hear without a preacher? We can't! We have to go to church. Receiving the preaching and teaching of the Word of God increases our faith and builds up our spiritual strength. Every true believer knows what it's like to have their faith challenged (if you don't, you might be walking with the Devil), so we must realize the importance of being spiritually fed so we can overcome the challenges. However many of us have become spiritually anorexic, having no desire to be fed. Paul writes that we are at war with the Devil and his evil forces. He encourages us to put on the whole armor of God for spiritual protection (Eph. 6:10-18). So it is important that we take every opportunity available to gain strength from God's Word by going to church.

Going to church is a matter of obedience to God's Word. Paul tells us not to forsake assembling together, implying that continued absence can lead to willful sin (Hebrews 10:24-26).

Going to church provides fellowship with other Christians. "But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin" (1 John 1:7).

Going to church allows us to come together to help motivate and encourage one another. "Therefore, to him who knows to do good and does not do it, to him it is sin" (James 4:17).

Goin to church is important to the relationship of the Christian brethren. The Bible teaches that a right relationship with God requires a "vertical" and "horizontal" alignment, meaning a vertical fellowship with God and a horizontal fellowship with other believers. It is impossible to love God and refuse to love one another. If you have a problem loving other Christians, you have a problem in your relationship with God. Matthem 6:15 tells us that if we refuse to forgive others, we void God's forgiveness of our own sins. John wrote, "He who says he is in the light, and hates his brother, is in darkness until now. He who loves his brother abides in the light, and there is no cause for stumbling in him" (1 John 2:9-10).

Going to church is an expression of our Love for God. "And [they] were continually in the temple praising and blessing God" (Luke 24:53). Going to church is a tangible expression of our love and worship toward God. It is where we can gather with other believers to bring God offerings of praise, thanks, and honor.

Going to church brings a special visitation of the Lord's Presence. "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them" (Matt. 18:20). This is a promise of the Lord's presence whenever two or more gather specifically in the name of Jesus. Sure Jesus resides within the hearts of every believer, but He honors a gathering in His name by coming in the "midst," with his power and anointing. In such a gathering, Christ is able to do things in hearts that he may not at other times. The scripture says that God inhabits the praise of His people (Psa. 22:3), and in such an atmosphere the Holy Spirit will often manifest spiritual gifts that minister to the body of Christ.


True Light Church
7300 S. Maryland Ave
Chicago, IL

Sunday Serices:
7:30am - Early Morning Worship
9:15am - Sunday School
11:00am - Morning Worship

Friday, September 19, 2008

86 - Get an mp3 player

So I lucked up on an iPod Touch 3G and I absolutely love it! (outside of the fact that within a matter of hours my cat chewed up the $30 headphones that came with it). I love the smooth stainless steel shell. Love the ease of use with the flick of a finger. Love the graphics and the sound. Absolutely hate iTunes. The iTunes library can only be synched to ONE iPod. So when I want my lil bro to put music on for me, he can't do so without erasing everything that I already have on there. In addition, iTunes is expensive, thus leading folks to download music illegally from places like Limewire. Zune, on the other hand, has a service where you can download an unlimited amount of songs for one monthly fee (like $15/month). How cool is that?

Anyway. Task Complete.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Sarah Palin is the Lipstick...

..."The failed policies of John McCain would be the pig."

Things I love about this clip:

5. I love the way Senator Obama cleared up this lipstick issue
4. I love how he does it with such ease and charisma
3. I love how he throws in his campaign without slandering the opponent (he only speaks negatively of policies)
2. I love how he follows with "Who ever makes that case to the American people will be the next president"
1. I love even more how he doesn't apologize for something he did not say

What's Good in the Hood - The Soul Train Chronicles (September 11, 2008)

In light of my recent employment status, and in light of the economic struggle this country is facing, I've come to cut back on some costs such as fast food and car washes...all things to which a convenience fee is added, in addition to the one monthly expense that was just ridiculously out of control. GAS! So I decided that outside of driving to church, and to my parents house occasionally, my car will very rarely leave my zip code. It's amazing how much money I save that way. Whereas I use to fill my tank every 3-4 days, I've been driving on the same tank of gas for a week now and I still have half a tank left! SO excited about that.

***Side note: Cars get much better mileage when the tank stays full. Therefore it is my goal to keep my tank above the half way mark***

Anyway, to continue perserving my overpriced fuel, I've been "Red Lining" it to school. For those of you who don't know, the Red Line is the subway/elevated public train line that runs north/south through the heart of Chicago. The train effectionately know as the Soul Train.

I missed the train on my way home, and instead of standing at the platform and waiting for the next one, I decided to take a seat on a beach...the seat on the very farthest end, opposite this homeless man whose stinch was beyond nauseating. After sitting for maybe 30 seconds, he turns to me and says, "You don't smoke do you." Take special note of the period at the end of that sentance, because the statement wasn't phrased in the form of a question, but in the form of a declaration, implying that he already knew I didn't smoke (Maybe I just LOOK like I don't smoke. Maybe he saw my Light shining. IDK). Once I confirmed that I don't smoke, he sat for about 10 seconds, and began to jiggle the loose change in his hand. He then turned back to me and said, "I'm tryna get something to eat, you got some change I could have?"


I closed my eyes, cocked my neck, turned my head to the side, and gave him a look that spoke louder than the roar of the approaching northbound train to Howard. I couldn't help but believe that he would have only requested loose change for food after a failed attempt to get a loose square or a light. And I certainly wasn't gonna contribute to his nicotine addiction (assumed). The nerve!

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Just Because He's Black

A white man asked his black friend, 'Are you voting for Barack Obama just because he's black'?

The black man responded by saying, why not? Hell, in this country men are pulled over everyday just because they're black, passed over for promotions just because they're black, considered to be criminals just because they're black, and there are going to be thousands of you who wont be voting for him just because he's black! However, you do not seem to have a problem with that!

This country was built with the sweat and whip off the slaves back, and now a descendent of those same slaves has a chance to lead the same country, where we weren't even considered to be people, where we weren't allowed to be educated, drink from the same water fountains, eat in the same restaurants, or even vote. So yes, I'm going to vote for him! But it's not just because he's black, but because he is hope, he is change, and he now allows me to understand when my grandson says he wants to be president when he grows up, it is not a fairy tale but a short term goal, because he sees, understands, and knows, he can achieve, withstand, and do anything just because he's black.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

101 in 1001 Amendments

#34 - Clean out my work email
I am no longer employed. So this wannado is being changed to "clean out my comcast email"

#82 - Visit my friend in NJ
This friend now lives in California.

Working Hard or Hardly Working

After having taken a blogging hiatus to deal with trouble on the job, and then becoming conditioned to the peace that came with an iniquitous termination, LaSondra has returned to the blogosphere. Yay!

In 26 years of life, I pride myself on living with no regrets. Two weeks ago, I was discharged from a job of almost 3 years. Since then, I've had ample time to meditate on a number of things I do not regret...things I vow to live by until the day my body gives up the ghost and my soul spends eternity with my Savior.

(We'll call this a Top 10)

10. I will never stop asking questions.

9. I will always admit when I don't understand.

8. I will learn from mistakes - my mistakes and others' mistakes.

7. I will never dumb down my skills or abilities.

6. I will never stop learning.

5. I will strive to go further than what is expected.

4. I will not be afraid to reach for goals that are just beyond my reach.

3. I will always defend my worth and what I believe is true.

2. I will take advantage of all opportunities as they are presented.

1. I will free myself of working hard and chose instead to do the hard work.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

81 - Increase my credit score by at least 10 %

July 19th - Score increased by 15 points last quarter. Not the 70 point that T got, but it's getting there.

Friday, July 18, 2008

What's Good in the Hood? (July 18, 2008)

Today's temperature in the Chi reached the low 90s and, taking advantage of my flexible work schedule, I found myself on 87th & Cottage. No, I wasn't at the Foot Locker where eh'body in the hood gets their white tees, Ones, and Jordans. No, I wasn't at the Rainbow where all the hood chicks get their flip flops, fashion belts, leggings, and low rise jeans (see T's Top Ten on fashion trends). No, I wasn't at Rothschild, one of Chi-towns few chain liquor stores. I was at Target (my fav). The same Target where I saw a women trying to return a Chrismas tree that she had CLEARLY used because it was still decorated with lights and garland. I was waiting to do a baby registry at the customer service counter, and what do I see? Booty shorts (see T's Top Ten on booty shorts). Not only do I see booty shorts, but I also very clearly see booty cheeks. The killer part is that the chick was so pregnant, I darn near saw the baby's head peaking from under her booty shorts. As I get ready to shake my head in disgust, I turn to the pregnant teenager I had accompanying me, and she too has committed a fashion faux pas - wearing jeans that were too small for her 8 month belly, and her shirt wasn't large enough to hide the very visably unbuttoned button-fly. Yes, this is the same girl who just got 2 brand new maternity outfits from me 3 days ago. Apparently, in her hood (shout out to Roseland), faux pas is wearing the same pair of pants 2 days in a row, although I was careful to give her plain black maternity pants and plain denim maternity pants so that she COULD wear them mutilple times with out being too obvious. Because I love her so dearly, I waited until we left the store (less than 5 min later because the baby registry was out of order) before I explained to her that open fly jeans in public is not acceptable. What's REALLY good in the hood?

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

City Slickers

Chicago city stickers are officially expired as of today. Good thing I don't live in Chicago anymore, right? WRONG! Apparently, the city officials of my city decided not to send out that little reminder that says, "Hey registered vehicle owner, your city sticker is about to expire. Hurry up and get a new one before your car is ticketed." It wasn't until I saw the Chicago frenzy to get new stickers that I realized, "Last year, I had to purchase my city sticker by May 31st." I stopped my car at that very moment, exited my vehicle, walked around to the passenger's side of the front windshield, and was overwhelmed with mental explitives. My sticker expired April 30th and I had no clue until mid-July, now my city vehicle tax doubles for the year. Slick move. Thanks City Slickers!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Squatter for life!

I have an 18 year old expecting mom. She's 8 months pregnant and is just the cutest little thing (please note that I find nothing "cute" about teen pregnancy), but I got tired of seeing her lovely baby bump peeking from under her shirts so I gave her a couple of outfits from Target's maternity section, and sent her to the bathroom to try them on. A few minutes later, I joined her in the public bathroom, but just as we were getting ready to leave, I heard the bathroom door open, followed by the sound of a woman's grunt, and as I was walking past the last stall, I glanced to my right and saw this woman (an employee) PLOPPING her behind down on the toilet seat with the door as open as Karrine Steffans' jaws. I mean she barely got her pants down and plopped down on that seat like she'd just gotten home from a long day's work and had been holding it in the whole ride home. I'm telling you she plopped and got comfortable too! I may as well had offered her a Snickers Candy Bar because she looked like she planned on being there for a while. "Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know anyone was in here." I walk away very disgusted, but before I could reach the door, I heard another grunt, and then a sigh, personal sounds not to be shared with others. I don't ever remember being TAUGHT not to do those things in public, but some things you just dont do in public! Anyway, once I got over the unsightly thought of the plopping incident, I thought about it, and I NEVER sit on an unknown toilet seat. I've gone to relatives houses and have opted to cop a squat so I most DEFINATELY aint sitting my tail on a PUBLIC toilet seat. Am I alone on this one?

1. Create a list of 101 wannados

If you don't understand this post see my 101 in 1001.

Creating this list was a bit more difficult than I thought it would be, not because of the length, but because I took extra care in choosing 101 tasks. Each task on my list is something I genuinely want to do, and something that will make my life more enjoyable. Some tasks will be more challenging than others, but all tasks, no matter the level of diffuculty, will contribute to the womanhood I am embracing...the wife and mother I am preparing to be.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

101 in 1001

Being a single, childless, independent woman, I've come to find that if I'm not busy, then I'm just not me. I honestly believe that I keep busy in order to keep my sanity. In addition to my regular full-time job, and my part-time graduate studies, I've taken on a number of additional responsibilities which include church leadership, independent meeting planning, graphic design, and most recently, videography. Well, in the midst of a hectic schedule, there have been a number of wannados that keep getting swept under the carpet. I wanna do this. I wanna do that. But I never do any of it. So, I'm compiling a list of 101 things I wanna do and I'm giving myself 1001 days to do them (as seen at Day Zero).

The Mission : Complete 101 pre-set tasks in 1001 days.

The Criteria: The task must be specific (ie. no ambiguity in the wording) with a result that is either measurable, or clearly defined; tasks must also be realistic and stretching (ie. must represent some kind of effort).

Start Date: July 15, 2008
End Date: April 12, 2011
Tasks completed: bold blue
Tasks in progress: italicized pink
No longer valid: red

Please see the side bar for an updated list of
tasks completed and tasks in progress.
  1. Create a list of 101 wannados (07/15/08)
  2. Blog about each wannado
  3. Cook 7 meals I've never cooked before
  4. Learn to bake a cake from scratch
  5. Learn to make peach cobbler
  6. Re-arrange my bedroom
  7. Call 5 people I don't typically talk to
  8. Make and keep a dentist appointments
  9. Buy a new bed
  10. Clean out my closet
  11. Give away at least 10 pair of shoes
  12. Join an organization
  13. Open a bank account for my business
  14. Get a full spa treatment (shampoo, blow-dry, facial, massage, mani, pedi)
  15. Get up-to-date on my scrapbooking
  16. Buy my dad 3 car washes
  17. Buy a bag I really like and give it to my mom
  18. Take my sis somewhere she's never been
  19. Lose 7 pounds
  20. Lose 13 pounds
  21. Wear the bikini I bought a year ago and never wore
  22. Get a wax treatment
  23. Go to bed by 10:30 for 5 consecutive days (Sunday-Thursday)
  24. Wake up with the sun for 6 consecutive days (Sunday-Friday)
  25. Watch a movie in the park
  26. Complete my graduate degree program
  27. Apply for a PhD program
  28. See a Broadway Show
  29. Go on 3 dates with the same guy
  30. Date 5 new guys while I'm single
  31. Write and copywrite a song (lyrics and music)
  32. Record the song
  33. Dine at 10 new restaurants
  34. Clean out my work email
  35. Watch every episode of ER
  36. Own every season and movie of Sex and the City
  37. Contact and have lunch with my most influential teachers (Sharpe and Madison)
  38. Get a passport
  39. Save up for a trip to Europe
  40. Take a trip to Europe
  41. Play paintball
  42. Get a tattoo
  43. Finish 2 books I started and never finished
  44. Apply for 25 industry positions
  45. Secure an industry position
  46. Close on a piece of real estate
  47. Take a dance class (Ballroom, Salsa, and/or Step)
  48. Go to lunch with Spears
  49. Get a dog
  50. Be a tourist in my home town (Chicago) for a weekend
  51. Get my car fixed (dent) and painted
  52. Further my music education (piano, guitar, or vocal)
  53. Increase my bowling average to 165 or better
  54. Join an organized sports league
  55. Get car detailed
  56. Learn to drive a stick shift
  57. Take vitamins everyday for a month
  58. Audition for "Too Hot to Handel" (A production of Handel's Messiah with world renown Tenors Rod Dixon and Victor Trent Cook and Soprano Alfreda Burke)
  59. Take motorcycle lessons
  60. Buy a motorcyle
  61. Cut my relaxed hair and go natural (whew!)
  62. Test drive a BMW
  63. Go horse back riding
  64. Indoor rock climbing
  65. Create a list of 10 people I love and invite them to church
  66. Pray that at least 1 of them gives their life back to Christ
  67. Write and perform something at an open mic
  68. Watch 25 classic movies
  69. Go jet skiing
  70. Attend Sunday School every Sunday for 3 months.
  71. Celebrate something in Vegas
  72. Do a midnight champaign cruise
  73. Start a family tradition
  74. Watch a firework show with a date
  75. Start 4 class assignments the day they are given
  76. Complete at least 2 class papers 3 days before they are due
  77. Learn to use and perfect all fuctions of Photoshop Elements (Changed to Photoshop CS4)
  78. Go 6 months without withdrawing from my savings account
  79. Tell some one about Jesus everyday for 2 weeks
  80. Tell some one about Jesus everyday for a month (hopefully this becomes a habit)
  81. Increase my credit score by at least 10 %
  82. Visit my friend in NJ
  83. Lay out tomorrow's clothes the night before for 1 week
  84. Buy those 5 book I've been meaning to get
  85. Convince some one to do a 101 in 1001
  86. Get an mp3 player
  87. Create a list of my all-time favorite music artists
  88. Sync all of their albums to the mp3 player
  89. Complete a 26 Things Project
  90. Get a fire-safe box and keep important documents in it
  91. Learn more about wine
  92. Learn more about champaign
  93. Get to work by 8 every morning for a week
  94. Go to a warm climate with a beach during the heart of a Chicago winter
  95. Host a family holiday dinner (Easter, Thanksgiving, or Christmas)
  96. Go fishing
  97. Write AW and SW at least 6 times each
  98. Buy make-up
  99. Wear make-up everyday for a week
  100. Make that one dream come true
  101. For each incomplete task, donate $5 to my church's Christian Education Department

Thursday, July 10, 2008

What's Good in the Hood? (July 10, 2008)

It's 88 degrees in the Chi today so I take advantage of my flexible work schedule and decide to do some field work. Well today's field work took me to 79th & Cottage. The heart of the hood known as Grand Crossing. Before I head back to the office, I decide to stop and get some hood food and while I'm waiting for my Harold's 4 piece, extra mild sauce, I make a number of observations.

Observastion #1: Hood nigga. Fresh braids. Facial hair lined up. Rockin his hood uniform - fresh white tee with the "ghetto line" (a crease down the front of his tee), baggy saggin shorts (with creases) that touch the top of his socks, and clean white ones. I mean this dude is hood...or so I thought. Because he came at sat at a table across from where I was sitting, put one thumb in his mouth and use the other hand to play with his ear lobe. Is THIS what's good in the hood?

Observation #2: Black Males, of all ages, on the street just standing. There were absolutely too many Black men standing around doing nothing. And I begin to wonder how many of them are uneducated? How many of them are ex-cons and sex offenders? How many of them are unemployable? How many of them are disable? How many of them have warrents out for their arrest? How many have multiple BMs and owe years and years of child support? The only question that I could possibly answer, which, I must admit, I was afraid to answer is, How many of them are there, here on the street, at 1:00 on a hot Thursday afternoon in the Chi? Standing on the street. Is THIS what's good in the hood?

Observation #3: There was ONE man on the street whose appearance was eye-catching. Not that he was neccessarily attractive, but because he looked as out of place as Hillary Clinton addressing Father Pfleger's congregation. He wore slacks, a collared shirt, and a tie. And not only did his appearance stand out, but so did his actions. He was very well-mannered, and had a genuine desire to make his sales for the day (He was selling educational books and games for children). But none of this made his appearance eye-catching. His appearance was eye catching because he was a WHITE man taking BLACK folks money, in a BLACK hood. A hood that he probably wouldn't dare live in. Do a job that would be looked down upon if the roles were switched (Have you ever known a Black independent salesman to be successful in a white hood?). I will admit, I didn't give him the time of day, and I can't say for sure that it wasn't because he was white. Is THIS what's good in the hood?

What's REALLY good in the hood?

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Attitude (Posted on MySpace 02/26/08)

  • Attitude

    Current mood:determined
    Anyone who's ever taken Ms. Sharpe's infamous Freshman English or Senior Speech class (Whitney Young Mighty Dolphins stand up. Haters sit down.)knows all about our "Thought of the Week." For those of you who don't know, each week, a different student was responsible for bringing in an inspirational thought, which we'd read aloud as a group, to begin each class. Many of those sayings stick with me to this day. But today, as I was passing an empty cubicle just outside my office door, I saw this "Thought of the Week" on the desk and it brought back the fondest of memories. This thought was written by Charles Swindoll, American Author and Pastor.
    The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

    Attitude, to me is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, than education, than money, than circumstances, than failures, than successes, than what other people think or say or do.

    It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home.

    The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

    We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable.

    The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

    I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% how I react to it.

    And so it is with you... we are in charge of our attitudes.

    Charles Swindoll 

    American Author and Pastor

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